Monday, June 29, 2009

Chocolate Cake in 5 Minutes

Ok, this is not a deal per say but it is SWEET! When I saw this recipe from Dizzy Dee, I got so giddy I couldn't wait to try it out! I gave it a whirl this weekend and it actually came out pretty good for microwaved cake! Now, whip up some frosting and you are good to go when you have a hankering for some cake!


4 Tablespoon cake flour (I used normal flour)
4 Tablespoons sugar

2 Tablespoons cocoa (I use
d chocolate syrup)
1 Egg

3 Tablespoons milk
3 Tablespoons oil
1 Mu


Mix flour, sugar and cocoa ( a mug is shown here, but I used a small fluted corningware so that my mug doesn't break-just in case):

Add the egg, milk, and olive

Stir it up really, really well....keep stirring until it is like chocolate pudding consistancy

Microwave on the highest setting for 3 minutes. Take a peek. I put mine back in for 60 more seconds- just in case.

It's forming! It's forming!

Enjoy! Mine came out in 1 piece. Flip upside down on a plate. Add some frosting! Voila!

Chocolate cake in 5 minutes! Fun! Let's do it again!

For variety, add nuts, canned cherries, coconut flakes, the possibilities are endless!


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