I'm back from vacation in Mexico and those all inclusive resorts as so nice! 4 huge buffets, restaurants, and all of the margaritas I can handle! Whew! Looks like gaining some lbs is surely in my future. So why not kick off the 2nd half of summer with a life style change. Note I didn't say the word "diet". Diets are short term and most diets don't work. I have certainly tried the South Beach and Atkins diets but you can't maintain those diets. And then the lbs are coming back to haunt you with a vengeance. Eeeeek!
So, it's time to change the lifestyle and eat in moderation which is key to longterm success. You didn't put on 20 lbs in 3 weeks. Don't expect to lose that much in 3 weeks! So where to I turn to help?
One of the most popular programs is Weight Watchers. And many people have used this program to lose weight by tracking the food you eat. Well, I really like the idea but I don't want to pay a monthly fee of $47.

I found Sparkpeople that offers the same program as Weight Watchers for FREE! Yippeee! It is free to sign up and Sparkpeople will ask you how much weight you'd like to lose and when your goal time frame. Then, it calculates how many calories, fat, protein, etc that your frame needs to lose that weight. Cool! Everyday you plug in what you eat and Sparkpeople tracks everything for you. You can choose the automatic menu if you'd like, however I think the self select eating is easier with your current lifestyle.
Sparkpeople also has an exercise plan which includes cardio and strength training. And this doesn't mean running a marathon. Just 30 minutes on a treadmill or they give options for strength training even if you have no weights. Try the towel training :) My hubby laughs at my beginner skills but hey it works!

What is so cool about this program is it teaches you how to eat better. You realize how much that Quarter Pounder with Cheese is costing you and find another alternative. It gives you 3 meals a day plus snacks so you don't starve. And if you fall off the wagon 1 day, no worries! Jump back on it the next day! Plus it tracks your water intake! I hope you like water!

There are sister websites too like Babyfit (for those who are expecting), Spark People for Teens, and Spark Recipes for healthy recipes. So get off that tush, drop that bag of chips, and sign up for free! And get ready to lead a healthy lifestyle!
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