Do you know what your credit score is? Most people don't have a clue until they get ready to open a new credit card, buy a house, buy a car, etc. Don't be surprised, plan ahead. Many credit bureaus offer your credit information including a score for a fee. However, Credit Karma is offering your credit information including score for FREE! How do they do it? The advertisers pay for this service. NICE! Credit Karma also tracks your score when you come back to the site, shows you how you compare to others in your age category, people in your area, etc. This is an amazing tool to take charge of your credit. It also lets you simulate actions such as paying off a card, being late once on a payment, etc. The score is not a FICO score but it is within 5% of what that score may be. So, don't take it as a hard number but rather an idea of where you stand. It also does not show your actual credits but a summary of the total: total debt, total accounts open, etc. Take charge of your credit by the horns and tell 'em whose boss!